
The Biology of Spiritual Birth Workshop Feedback 2012

What a wonderful day of learning, love and recognition we shared at the Genesis Clinic on the 6th of May 2012. We examined

Attentive Participants

the polyvagal theory of social engagement and infant and human development. We refreshed our memories by recapping on the physiology of natural birth and unpacked the neuro-endocrine responses of birthing women during labour particularly with regard to love hormones. We then applied the polyvagal theory to birth and motherhood.

To be fully present in the moment from within our  bodies, to be totally connected to the sensations and feelings within us each moment, is to discover life. This includes our fears, our tears and our hopes for tomorrow. It excludes nothing, neither our anger, our hate, nor our indifference.

When we feel all of who we are, we discover the universe within, that we are not bad but lovable, loving and loved.

May 2012 Workshop at Genesis Clinic
Participants share a deep light moment with Marianne

We discovered how the imprinting of traumatic experiences can affect our birthing and mothering capacities. We also practiced REALLY LISTENING to each other so that we could release and heal our own trauma as midwives and doulas. This enables us to give ourselves with more clarity to our clients.

When we are heard and recognized we can surmount all obstacles, flow through the processes of birth, life and death with ease, accepting our pain and losses, reveling in our joys and achievements. This is life at its fullest.

Thank you for being brave enough to share this day with me. It attests to your courage as caregivers, doulas and midwives.

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