Birth in South Africa

Birth in South Africa: 3rd year Medstudents Tutorial

I conducted a wonderful gentle birth experience this morning both for the mother giving birth and the University of Cape Town (UCT) medical students attending at Mowbray Maternity Hospital. Mom Zikhona pushed spontaneously for under an hour and was well supported by the team of medical students and myself. A Baby boy, born with mom in the side lying position and weighing 3700gms, was in great shape.  The cord was not cut till after the physiological birth of the placenta, so baby received all of his own stem cells!! Zikhona recovered quickly and soon lifted her baby into her arms and put him to the breast. When we left, she was smiling happily and thankful for our assistance!!

5 thoughts on “Birth in South Africa: 3rd year Medstudents Tutorial”

  1. Hopefully, this will remain engraved in the medical students ‘memories.
    Keep up the wonderful work !

  2. This is wonderful Marianne! Most medical students never get exposed to something like this, and no matter what follows, somewhere in their minds the memory of a normal ‘undisturbed’ birth will remain.

  3. how marvelous! i can see everything as i was there myself! i´m sure that it was a great experience for the mother to give birth with such a support and for the baby to be born with patients and love surrounded!
    go on! be a blessing to mothers and newborns – to our society in future!

  4. Thank you for sharing. Very happy to read these updates as well as especially what was shared at Danahur. So glad you still exposing the students to another way of birthing. So important to have that. And keep reminding ourselves too.
    Looking forward to reading more…

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